Github organization / All code, data, and documentation relating to PhyloAcc is hosted here
Bioconda page / Information about the PhyloAcc bioconda package
Original paper (PhyloAcc-ST) / The original manuscript in which PhyloAcc was developed, with a results relating to flightlessness in birds and marine mammals
Discordance paper (Phyloacc-GT; pre-print) / The pre-print of the manuscript in which the gene tree model was developed
The evolution of flightless birds / An article in The Harvard Gazette covering research related to PhyloAcc
Other helpful software
PHAST / Software that can predict conserved elements and estimate a neutral model for PhyloAcc's input
IQ-TREE / Maximum likelihood phylogenetic inference that is used in the PhyloAcc pipeline when estimating branch lengths on a species tree
ASTRAL / Species tree inference method used in the PhyloAcc pipeline to estimate branch lengths in coalescent units
MP-EST / Species tree inference software used to estimate branch lengths in coalescent units
Zhirui Hu / One of the lead developers of PhyloAcc
Han Yan / One of the lead developers of PhyloAcc
Gregg Thomas / One of the lead developers of PhyloAcc
Patrick Gemmell / A postdoctoral researcher in the Edwards and Liu labs at Harvard University developing new models for PhyloAcc
Timothy Sackton / Director of the Harvard Bioinformatics group and developer of PhyloAcc
Edwards Lab / PhyloAcc is developed in Scott Edwards' lab at the Harvard University Museuem of Comparative Zoology
Jun Liu / PhyloAcc is developed in Jun Liu's group in the Department of Statistics at Harvard University
Harvard Informatics / PhyloAcc is developed in the Harvard Informatics group